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Tarawa, Kiribati
We'are Open: Mon - Fri 9:00 - 17:15

Kaawakinan marin abara ibukin ngkai ao ningabong

sustaining our marine resources for today and tomorrow

Ara Marawarerei

Our Ocean-pride


Latest News

July 25, 2024
News 21 MFMRD Media

Senior Fishries Officals Attending FFCMIN23 and RFMM5 Meeting

Two senior representatives from Oceanic Fisheries Division are currently joining FFCMIN23 and RFMM5 from 23rd-25th July 2024 in Honiara, Solomon Islands. The high-level meeting discusses, amongst other things, key strategic issues, climate change, regional…

Leave NO pending task

Jul 23, 2024 25 MFMRD Media
“Leave no pending task, just do it” and “You should know what in your store for you, to determine where you should go next”, were…

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About Our Ministry

The Ministry is principally charged with a key role to achieve a sustainable and vibrant economy for the people of Kiribati through the development of fisheries and marine resources and where it is recognized to take a lead role in the implementation of the objectives of the current Kiribati Development Plan.

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